Admission Requirements for Graduate Program
The graduate program is a basic and challenging undergraduate programme on the Computer Sicence and Computer Technology fields.
It encompasses the basic IT technology, both applied and fundamental.
The programme also provides advanced and in-depth knowledge of IT to prepare the students for challengens in IT career.
The programme is full-time courses.
Admission Criteria
Candidates must pass the matriculation exam held by government,
Candidates must possess the total exam marks specified by the University.
Programme Structure for Bachelor Degrees
- UCS(Sittway) offers the following programs for bachelor degrees
- Bachelor of Computer Science (B.C.Sc.)
- Bachelor of Computer Technology (B.C.Tech.)
- Students have to take nine semesters course work and one semester internship for bachelor degree.
- Students must complete the total credit specified for bachelor degree.
- Students must understand and follow class attendance and participation policy such as: quizzes, assignments, test, final exam.
- After completing the bachelar degree program, qualified students can join to Master degree program as respective UCS.
Duration of Programme
The bachelor programme is full-time and divided into two semesters in every course work year.
First Semester : December to March
Second Semester : June to September
Internship Duration : May to August