- Dr. Zaw Tun, Prorector
- Dr. Thin Tin Nwet, Professor and Head, Faculty of Computer Systems and Technologies
- Daw Naing Naing Khin, Associate Professor and Acting Head, Faculty of Computer Science
- U Thaung Myint Htun, Associate Professor and Head, Faculty of Information Science
- Daw Mi Cho Cho, Associate Professor and Head, Faculty of Computing
- Dr. Thida Lwin, Associate Professor and Head, Languages Department
- Dr. Khin Kyawt Nwe, Professor and Head, Natural Science Department
- Daw Wai Wai Khaing, Associate Professor and Head, Information Technology Support and Maintenance
- Daw Mya Hnin Mon (Associate Professor, Languages Department)
- Daw Thazin Nwe, Lecturer, Faculty of Computer Science